Welcome to Jekyll!
It’s alive! I’ve moved to Jekyll. Why? I fooled around with MiddleManApp, Sitepress and BrigeTown however I just prefered Jekyll. It has all the data and collection powers I need...
AWS CLI For People Used to Better Things Cheatsheet
You probably have access to a bunch of aws accounts, because you are a working stiff that supports everybodies silly aws hosted websites. No probs, have multiple profiles List profiles:...
Easy Sortable Lists with Rails
What’s more fun than dragging and dropping to order stuff? Nothing that this blog will cover anyway. Draggable lists is easy-peasy with Rails 6, some gems, jquery-ui and webpacker. Here...
Rich Text with Trix and Action Text on Rails
Most web applications I work on require a content editing feature that includes formatting, adding images etc. Now Rails comes with that bundled as ActionText. It’s awesome. Rails version 6...
Date And Time Formats With Rails
Rails comes with some default date and time formats. There are good docs for them here: Rails Date Class Rails DateTime Class Unfortunately, I don’t like the default formats! Or...
Using RBenv for Ruby Version Management Cheatsheet
Ruby versions on your development machine need to be carefully managed so you can work on different projects with the right ruby version. With Rbenv, that’s easy. Installation brew install...
Maps on Rails
In a recent project we needed a map. Not just any map though. We needed to be able to add topo and satellite layers, add feature overlays from json feeds...
Ruby On Rails Geographical Tools
There is nothing quite like a geographicly aware web application. The data, the maps. It’s all very nice. With Ruby, some gems and Rails, it is all very easy too....
Testing With Rails ActiveStorage
In an app I have been working on recently, I have a report model, with an attachment image, “overview”. This is an image uploaded to the app via the ActiveStorage...
Setting up Web Hosting with Ubuntu and Apache
Setting up hosting on a linux VPS with Ubuntu and apache is not too hard, as long as you stay on the path. Grab a box at DO and choose...
Transactional Email Services
https://postmarkapp.com/ vs http://www.mailgun.com/ When mandril effectively shut down I needed a new transactional email system. Hosting my own SMTP for assorted clients is not my idea of a good time....
Transactional Email Services
Transactional Email Services
Start session psql List databases \l Create database createdb some_database Choose DB to work with \connect flex_development List all the tables \dt Get columns info for a table \d+ admin_users...
Switching To Middleman
Middlemanapp.com is a Ruby based static site generator. It is incredibly flexible, allowing the designer to use any of the ruby based templating languages, HTML or Markdown to build a...
Rails UJS for Forms
JS frameworks are fun, but for most apps a sprinkling of JavaScript and Rails RJS gets a lot done, it’s simple to use and easy to maintain. Often, a feature...
Installing (and Fixing) Node, NPM and maybe Grunt on OSX
Problems with Node? It’s not uncommon. So, have you got the latest version? node -v v0.10.28 npm -v 0.01 OK, that’s not good. Even if you have newish versions though...
Static Site on s3 With Cloudflare
If you want to set up a simple static site, amazon’s s3 service is a great choice. S3 is simple to use, reliable and very very cheap. Ideal for simple...
How to Clear DNS for OSX
You made a change to your DNS. You wanna test it. Is it workin? To clear the DNS, do this: sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder then go to chrome://net-internals/#dns and click...
Intro to Ruby Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions are used to match patterns to strings. They are super powerful and very scary. If you use them badly your code can become totally un-maintainbale and confusing. When...
Getting Started with Terminal
<3 Your Terminal Is terminal in your Doc? do you use it? If not you are missing out as a web professional. Learning a few commands, or at least being...